of Hindu High School |
Nuclei of the present school :
Triplicane has long been a centre of culture and learning and
pioneer in cooperation and social work. It is no wonder, therefore,that
the residents of the locality in the forties and fifties of
the last century took to starting two small school, one for
Tamil boys and the other for Telugu boys, the former being called
"the Dravida Patasala" and the latter " The Hindu Andhra Balura
Patasala". From the records available it is found that both
these schools were in existence in 1852 under separate managements.
The Tamil school had a strength of 18 boys at the start and
the subjects taught were Kural, naidatham, Nanool Kandigai and
Nigandoo; History, Geography and Arithmetic were also taught.
English also was taught to those who desired it. The boys were
promoted on the basis of annual examination conducted by examiners,
who were outsiders appointed by the Committee. Every year the
examiners reported that they were satisfied with the progress
made by the lads. The then committee recorded that the teachers
worked hard and faithfully. They regretted that they could not
pay the teachers adequately because for poor income.
How the schools were run:
It would interest one to know how the two schools were run.
Each school was under a separate Committee of Management. Those
who subscribed every month became members of the Committee.
The defaulting members were first gently reminded of their dues,
and if they continued to be in arrears, they were removed from
the Committee of management. The Committee of the Tamil School
met regularly every month and recorded its proceedings in Tamil,
but always addressed the Government in English. Another noteworthy
feature of this Committee was that to inspire confidence in
the public it opened an account in the Post Office Savings Bank.
Before appointing teachers, the Committee made thorough enquiries
about them and selected the best out of the applicants.
In the early years the Tamil School was getting financial help
from the Government as grant-in-aid and also from the pachiappa's
charities. Amalgamation of the two schools:
Both the Telugu and the Tamil schools were working well for
some years. But soon the local people who were interested in
both the schools found it hard to give donations to both. Evidently,
at the suggestion of some of these people, a move was made by
the Committee of the Tamil School to get the two schools amalgamated.
On 21st November, 1858 the Committee of the Tamil School passed
the following resolution: "Resolved to write to the Secretary
of the Andhra Patasala." Correspondence continued till July
1859. On 1st February, 1860 a combined meeting of the Managements
of the two Patasala's was held. That meeting resolved that the
two schools be amalgamated and the amalgamated school be designated
"The Triplicane Andhra Dravida Balura Patasala". That meeting
also appointed a managing committee for the conduct of the school.
Mr.P.T.Ramanujam Naidu and Mr. Devanayaga Mudaliar were chosen
President and Secretary respectively. Under the same Management
a Girls' School known as the "Balika Patasala" was opened in
June 1864. |