Activities |
Our students took part in various competitions
and won many prizes. Our school teachers played the role of
subject experts in the Guidance Programme "Jaithukkattuvom"
in chennai and kancheepuram. The same programme was conducted
specially for our school students also. We are thankful to the
Editor of Dinamalar for it.
Our teachers are enriching and enhancing their knowledge by
attending seminars, workshops, Exhibitions etc., thus updating
themselves with modern trends in curriculum. Independence Day
and Republic Day were celebrated. Photo Exhibition on Gandhiji's
life was held. 100 students wrote the Examination on Gandhiji's
Autobiography "My Experiments with Truth".
AIDS Awareness programme was conducted by DIET Chennai. Smt.
R.Varalakshmi, B.T.Asst attended the programme with two students.
Aids Awareness programme was also conducted in our school. Dr.Rajasekaran,
Paediatrician was the Chief Guest and addressed the studens.
Short play on Evils of Aids was staged by our students and organised
by Sri.S.Mathiazhagan and Sri.Ramachandra Elango.
A Rally for awareness for the Rain water Harvesting scheme.
Introduced by Tamilnadu Government was conducted on 21-07-2003.
The Managing Director of Water Board Sri.Deenadayalan flagged
off the rally. Our President Sri. C.u. Velmurugendran, and the
Secretary Sri.Narayan RAmaswamy were present.
Our children also participated in the Abolition of Child Labour
Rally conducted by the government. |