of Hindu High School |
Board of Management:
For an aided institution to be efficient, it should have a capable
and understanding Board of Management and a band of efficient
and loyal teachers. The Hindu High School has been blessed with
of able men on the board of management as well as on the staff.
After Mr. M.Rangachariar became the Secretary. He was succeeded
by the late Dewan Bahadur M.O Parthasarathy Iyengar. Sri V.S.Srinivasa
Sastri (later Rt.Hon'ble) succeeded him. When he could not continue,
once again the late Sri M.O.Parthasarathy Iyengar became the
Secretary. In 1921 Sri G.Venkataranga Rao assumed the Secretaryship,
which office held till his death in 1930. Sri N.V.Raghavan,
Sri R.Kuppurama Sastri, Sri C. Srinivasa Rao , Sri .Subba Rao
and Sri S.G.Srinivasachariar were the successive Secretaries
till 1942, when Sri T.V.Subba Rao took charge of the office
of the Secretary. There were distinguished men as President-Sri
M.A.Singarachariar, Dewan Bahadur K.Krishnaswami Rao, Sri M.Ct.Muthiah
Chettiar, Sri D.R.Balaji Rao, Rt. Hon'ble V.S.Srinivasa Sastriar
and Sri Arni Subba Rao. Since 1949 Dr M.O.Parthasarathy Iyengar
has been the President. For nearly 30 years the late M.Veeraraghavachariar
of The Hindu served on the committee as a member along with
the late M.A.Singarachariar. The late M.A.Thirunarayanachariar
was Assistant Secretary of the Committee for over 15 years.
From the records it is found that before 1900 with the exception
of a few teachers like the late K.B.Ramanatha Iyer, others did
not adhere to the profession, but only used it as a stepping
stone to some other job. But this much has to be said of them.
While they were in the school, they did their best during the
short periods they held the office. The school is proud of having
had a long succession of able Headmasters. Rt.Hon'ble V.S.Sastri,
within the short period of seven years, gave the school the
definite stamp that it bears today and built up its high traditions.
His pupils reverently recall to their memory his English classes.
He was succeeded by the late Mr.T.A.Swaminatha Iyer who was
noted for his discipline and uprightness. In 1916 Sri P.A.Subramania
Iyer became the Headmaster and continued in that post till his
retirement in 1938. During his time the activities of the school
widened and he maintained very able the high traditions of the
school. As a teacher, very few could rival him.
During the last six years, the school has still further widened
its activities-both intra and extra curricular. Engineering,
as one of the bifurcated courses, was introduced in 1948. Elsewhere
are given in brief the activities of the various sections-sports,
scouting, excursion, exhibition, hobbies and crafts, fine arts
sections, magazine, students' co-operative stores, literacy
society, audio-visual education, National Cadet Corps, Old Boys'
Association, Parents' Association and Masters' Association.
The school has just completed one hundred years of useful service.
On this day when the Centenary is celebrated, the un-wearied
labours of the members of the Committee of Management and the
long line of teachers deserve to be gratefully remembered and
acknowledged. The loyal and devoted services of the masters
contributed not a little to the progressive expansion, greatness
and prestige of the school. "Service to humanity" has been the
motto of this institutions. It has so far followed with a religious
zeal that high deal and in the coming century it will be its
beacon light. Every struggle it overcame has made it more determined
to pursue the ideal it has set forth. Useful service can be
rendered only by men of character. We are ever conscious that
our strength lies less in numbers than in the proper training
that the pupils imbibe more from the teachers' own example than
from books. The alumni have given good account of themselves
in the various walks of life chosen by them by rendering service
to the country, both by being leaders and followers as occasion
demanded. With the blessings of the Almighty the institutions
re-dedicates itself to serve the community and thereby the country
by providing greater opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge
and formation of character. |