of School |
The introduction of free
education in 1964 brought in new problems as the source of fee
income had been cut and the management met the traditional expenses
of special incentives to certain categories of teachers till
their retirement The school adjusted itself to the various structural
changes introduced in the pattern of instruction and the English
medium had always
taken the place of pride in the School.
As it had always been the policy, the Management lost5 no chance
to acquire the adjacent sites. So it purchased 21/2 grounds
of land behind the Centenary block at a cost of Rs.75,000/-
to provide a little more playground for the boys.
With the introduction of the Tamilnadu Aided management Regulating
Act, a new era has been introduced. A school committee has been
formed on 1-6-.976 with Sri S. Parthasarathy Iyengar, as Retd
commissioner of Police, as President and Sri K.S. Venkataraman
I.P.S. (Retd.) as Secretary while the managing Committee with
Sri V.T. Rangaswamy Iyengar as President and Sri L.V. Krishnaswamy
Iyer as Secretary continues to function as the Hindu Educational
Sri G. Narasimhan of the Hindu was a tower of strength to the
School. In his sudden demise on 3-7-77 we lost a patron, friend
and guide. The vacancy caused by him was filled in by co-opting
Sri K.S. Ramanujan of the Hindustan Times as member of the Educational
The ten year pattern has been introduced and the first set for
the X Standard Public Examination will be presented in 1978
March. The introduction of plus 2 is still in the melting pot.
While in 1951-52 there were 60 sections with a strength 2525
the strength in 76-77 is 3306 & in 77-78 is 3209 with 70
With a view to celebrate the 125th Year in a fitting manner
as in the case of the Centenary Celebration in 1952 which was
celebrated for 3 days with a fitting memorial of a Centenary
block, a special committee has been formed with Sri K. Santhanam,
Justice P.R. Gokulakrishnan, Sri. T.S. Santhanam and Sri M.Ct.
Muthiah as patron and Sri V.T. Rangaswami Iyengar as President.
The celebration Committee at its several meetings has taken
several measures to raise funds to build a 125th Year Block
and to renovate the Singarachariar Hall. The Committee has drawn
up plans to celebrate the 125th year of the School 24th, 25th
and 26th February 1978 with Shri. Prabhudas B. Patwari, His
Excellency the Governor of Tamilnadu inaugurating the function
on 24th February 1978 and the Education Minister of Tamilnadu
Thiru C. Aranganayakam presiding over the Celebration on 25th
February 78.
The School had the unique honour of winning the prize in the
state level Science Exhibition in 1979. Inspite of lack of playground
facilities our boys do participate and win several sports events
at District and State level.
The usual midday meal scheme for poor boys started long before
the Government introduced that idea is functioning with the
encouragement given by the management and philanthropic minded
people. The curricular and extra-curricular activities of the
School have earned for the School a good name. The Tamil Nadu
Government satisfied with the activities of the school was pleased
to grant the state award for the 'Best Teacher' to the Headmaster
of the School and it has been conferred during this academic
year (1977-78) and it luckily synchronises with the celebration
of the 125th year.
With the blessings of Sri Rama, the presiding deity of the School,
the School resolves on this august occasion to rededicate itself
to serve the community and thereby the country in the task of
producing good, cultured and efficient citizens. |