Work & Rules |
- The working hours will be from 8-45 a.m. to 3.25 p.m.
with break of 45 minutes for lunch. A working day is divided
into eight periods. Coaching class for all standards is
conducted between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Wearing of School uniform is compulsory on all working
days and at school functions.
- Attendance shall be taken at beginning of every session.
- The attendance put in various daily sessions shall be
added together to form one single total. Attendance for
Physical Training classes is compulsory and shall be totaled
- Leave of absence for only one period may be obtained
from the teacher incharge. Leave for several periods may
be obtained only from the class master in writing and in
- A student will not be considered as present on any day
unless he attends all the classes prescribed for the day.
In special cases the classmaster may grant exemption from
attending a class or classes.
- Every student should attend not less than 80% of the
number of working days in each item. The total number of
working days of the whole year is 200 as prescribed by the
- Parents or Guardians who detain their boys at home for
any reason should send leave letters in advance or on the
first day of absence or on the day which the boy attends
after being absent for a period. If a pupil absents himself
for more than three days on account of sickness he must
produce a medical certificate on his return.
- Pupil must be punctual to the class. Those who come late
or who have been absent on the previous days must bring
the permission letter signed by their Parent / Guardian.
- If a pupil is absent continuously without leave for more
than one month, his name may be removed from the rolls.
- Pupils are not allowed to meet parents or visitor or
to leave the school premises during school hours without
the permission of the class teacher.
- It is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls, throw
paper or ink around the class room or in any way damage
the school premises. Damage done must be paid for as directed
by the Headmaster.
- Pupil themselves are alone responsible for their books,
fountain pens, cycles, tiffin carriers or any other article
they bring to school.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework
disobedience and disrespect towards teachers and members
of the staff will lead to dismissal. Pupils are answerable
to the school authorities for their conduct both in and
- Boys are strictly forbidden to bring any sort of comics
and objectionable literature into the school or to purchase
any article of food from the road side stalls near the school
- Every pupil must take part in school games and other activities
unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Headmaster.
- Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the
school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline
and by taking interest in their children's progress. They
should check the records regularly.
- Progress report showing the application of the pupil and
the result will be sent to parents after every school examination.
Parents or guardians are requested to examine the progress
report carefully and see their sons or wards make a special
effort to study those subjects in which they are weak.
- No school business will be transacted during holidays.
- Parents / Guardians are not permitted to engage teachers
of the school for private tuition for their Children / Wards.
Students undergoing private tuition with teachers of the
school will be liable to face disciplinary action.